Today I Pray for You

Today I pray for you.


I pray that wherever you are

and whatever you are doing,

you are doing well.


I pray that you are enjoying your days

instead of counting your days.

I pray that you laugh

more than you cry.


But my dear,

above all,

I pray that you are being true to yourself


I pray that you choose to follow your heart

and fight for things you love

because you and I know,

only by doing that,

you can fall in love in the first truth you see in the morning

every time you look at yourself in the mirror.


I pray that you do not live up to people’s expectation,

but to your heart instead

because, my dear, you can run from the world

but you cannot run from your heart.

You can turn your head away from people

but you cannot turn your ears deaf to the voices inside your heart.


And lastly, I pray that you shall dance for them,

as beautiful as you dance for yourself

because oh my dear,

if only you knew how beautiful you are

when you were dancing for yourself,

you would not want to dance for them anymore



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